Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Final logo

This is the one I'll be using for the logo. A few  more tweaks with the small lettering and it will be finished

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Merging ideas

I had originally liked the logo in the circle but it felt blank. So I was just playing on the computer today and came up with this one....
This is cool..it needs some tweaking but it feels like a logo that can be used for many applications.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Thanks goes to my ex-husband for fixing my problem with loading illustrator files. (and no i am not crazy others have had the problem. ) After exporting the file using .png as the extension the image below loads perfectly.

So this is the type configuration I am considering at the moment.

Now on to the illustrative part....


Once again I tried to upload an Illustrator file (exported as a .jpg) with absolutely no luck. Jessican also had the same problem over the weekend. The work around seems to be you find another image that will load and cut and paste your image over the top of the original resave without changing the name and Ta-Da it works.

But why is that? So I called upon my computer genuis and asked him. When he looked at the files he noticed that the file that will load has a JFIF added to the name. When I was looking up how to make all my files say that I came across the following site

Graphics Formats Explained

How cool..nice neat explanation but no real solution yet for the other problem.